I was desperate for a massage. Truly desperate. I had been searching for the perfect massage therapist since I moved here in the fall of 2021. I scoured Facebook groups, Google Reviews, and exhausted all the recommendations from my friends. No one was working out for me. I had one last hope. Carolyn Boone. She offered in-home massage services and I had been hesitant to take that route because I thought I enjoyed the experience of being somewhere else for my massage.

Boy was I WRONG! In-home massage is where it's at! When you're done, you don't have to get in your car and drive somewhere, you get to sit down on your couch and extend the relaxation! But that's beside the point... This post is about Carolyn and her beautiful family. I don't normally like to talk during massages, but Carolyn and I hit it off immediately and couldn't stop chatting throughout my entire appointment.

When Carolyn asked me if I had space to fit her family in for some photos between her husband's assignments, I was ecstatic! We started thinking about the perfect place for her session, color palettes, and outfit styles. When we settled on Backyard Wildflower Patch it was a dream come true. I had been searching for a client willing to trek over to Chesapeake for the gorgeous fields and I finally found the most adorable family who not only wanted to make the journey but was thrilled about it!

When we pulled up to the Backyard Wildflower Patch, I didn't realize it - I actually almost drove right past! The property is along a quaint country road and I was so distracted by the serenity of the area that I stopped paying attention to my GPS. After lathering ourselves in bug spray, we wandered back through the property and past a majestic willow tree to the wildflowers and we were immediately in love!

Addy and Dawson had so much fun exploring and running around the fields. Sometimes we didn't even know where they had wandered off to and we had to yell across the field to get them back for photos. It is such an amazing place to take family photos because the kids can enjoy the outdoors, smell the flowers, and run around like crazy people (Carolyn and I were pretty sure that Addy was going to sleep so well that night after all the fun she had).

We also took some time to focus on photos for Carolyn and Dylan. After a decade of marriage, multiple military moves, deployments, and two kids, it was important to Carolyn and Dylan to have some photos that captured their love and relationship. It was an easy task to accomplish as they were full of smiles and playful interactions throughout our whole session. Not to mention they had one of the most dramatic "dips" I've ever seen! I'm so excited to go back to the wildflower patch again (I've got an engagement session planned there in a few weeks) because it is incredibly gorgeous and we had so much fun. Enjoy these photos from the first of many trips to the Backyard Wildflower Patch!